





Inspire Community Services is a Not for Profit charitable organisation and we rely on the kind donations

of our listeners to help us fund the programmes we run. We couldn’t do what we do without your support. Whether it’s a fianancial donation, a donation in kind, providing a service to us or volunteering your valuable time, we really appreciate it. Financially, you can either donate to the organisation as a whole or we have broken it down to the programmes we run, so if you would prefer you can give directly to one of the programmes. Whatever you choose to give - your finances, time or expertise, we would like to say thank you.

To donate please visit our donate page here


For every $100 donated, Inspire will match the donation and we will offer a free place to a MHFA course for anyone that needs it, The course goes for 2 days and teaches participants how to recognize the early warning signs of a developing Mental Health issue.

IPL Radio

A donation to IPL Radio will allow us to update our

equipment so we are teaching volunteers to use the very best industry standard equipment that they will be using if they choose to advance their careers in the mainstream media.

Youth Group

The Youth Group meets every Saturday from 12pm and there are a variety of things they can engage in including going on air, playing music, playing pool and an array of Arts and Crafts. We also have a D&D game and an opportunity to learn to lead a game and become a DM. Donations will help us to get more Art and Craft equipment and musical instruments.